Wednesday, January 9, 2019

e-Book Cover Design Success: How To

The transition to e-Books has brought a new challenge to publishing companies who do book cover design, experienced or not. The first  challenge, is to understand exactly what an e-book cover really is when designing a book cover down to an e-Book. Unlike printed books, which we can carry and examine, eBooks don't exist in any physical reality other than a downloadable file. So, how come they have a cover?

Since an e-book is simple computer file with text that will reflow to the form and interest of the reader into which it is loaded, e-books can’t be said to have any particular bound. So when it comes to design a cover for e-book, it’s important to know the little angles used to see the cover of printed books and its convention.

There’s no particular reason an e-book cover needs to be tall, other than to offer potential reader that it is, in fact, another “book” type. Some retailers have even tried to mandate that e-book covers conform to the tall rectangle, which is a bit silly considering that printed books come in many shapes and sizes. But more than anything else, designers and DIY self-publishers have to address the challenges of this new form in a way that it opens them the opportunity to sell books.

Since Book Art Press started the e-Book Cover Design and provided hundreds of e-book covers. The patterns that emerged were unmistakable. So here they are, our guidelines for how to succeed at this important publishing task.

Our 3 Secrets to e-Book Cover Design Success


This is the most significant key of all. While a 6 x 9 printed book has 54 square inches of space to play with, a pretty decent painting or illustration with 40 to 100 words of copy for nonfiction books, tag lines, awards, subtitles, blurbs, series logos as well as the required title and author, e-book covers do not.

Book Art Press remembers that e-Book covers are small size and be viewed in by people looking on the sites of e-retailers. So simplicity becomes of the major value of an e-Book cover design success. Book Art Press knows the difficulty yet we will help you toss them and be happier in the end. We recommend to keep the cover of the title, author name and a graphic designed that will instantly communicate something about the genre of the book.


This one is super essential. Book Art Press will see to it that all the work being put up into the cover design is going to pay off. We help your book to be shown in several channels like Amazon, Smashwords or iBookstore. The eBook may need to be designed for the smallest size so people who knows your book will go head straight when searching.

We may not be concerned about this people since they know your eBook already. It's the other way around, people who are searching for something but are not sure exactly what they are searching. And that's where the search results page comes in, such as the page results on Amazon where searchers are presented with screenplay tiny images with links directing to the book titles.

ebook cover design

If your cover is unreadable or you can’t possibly tell what the image on the cover is, browsers may skim right over it and your chance at making an impression on that person is gone, literally in a second or two.

Book Art Press will help you the design you might like or search those designs on Amazon or We will help your eBook reduce its cover to the same size and see how it will look like compared to other eBooks. We don't have any better test other than this and check with you if its good or not.


Even though your cover is being viewed in a small format, and Book Art Press recommends to keep it simple, e-book cover also has other significant function in terms of branding and positioning. This is essential for novelist as a nonfiction writers. A lot of novelist with a huge success in eBooks are writing series of books that keeps the attention of readers and builds a base of followers for each release. It is important for readers to be able to recognize the series of the book and its genre right away as a part of branding including its author.

Book Art Press consider mixtures of graphic elements in print book design as a cover with typography of the title as considered its "brand" of the book. The same goes with eBooks though it will has the simplicity with its efficiency in its online display. Oftentimes, branding comes in a simple color-coordinated cover or simple design elements. At other times a simple logo can also be utilized to brand your eBook or just a distinctive stripe design on top or bottom can bring different looks.

So, there you have it, simple ways to make sure your eBook cover design gets off on the right track, helps you achieve publishing and marketing goals. Book Art Press will help your eBook be kind to your readers, browsers and followers. You'll see exactly what we are saying here during cover design competition or if its your passion to cover books.

Huge number of eBook covers to check out and each one credits its interior designer. With this, anyone can create like a shopping mall and as a career hub for individual looking to hired a cover designer. Check out our link going to our home page and internal pages where you'll find eBook covers and feel its genre.

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